Two Wedding Rugs

Here's the finished view of the wedding rug I was working on in the video, for our California friend, who is to be married June 5th.
The one with shades of pink and green was a wedding gift for Ethan's physical therapist, who was married May 16th.
I enjoyed picturing these rugs in newly created homes, and praying for these couples that God brought together.

Rag-Rugging Tutorial

This little video shows the single crochet method that I use for my rag-rugs. We are amateurs at making videos; but, I hope this is helpful.
It is important to finger-press, stretch and smooth your way along as you crochet, paying attention to the curve of the rug, so that the finished rug will lie flat. Knowing when to add a chain is also important. I use my crochet hook as a "measuring stick"...if it will not go straight down into the next outside loop, then I add a chain. If you fail to add an extra chain when it needs one, there will be a gap, a little hole in the rug. Conversely, adding a chain when one is not needed, produces a rippled edge.

Ethan and his Rainbow Rug