
In addition to the aforementioned benefits and blessings, this craft is a highly transportable, affordable, practical, pleasurable form of creative expression, requiring little talent, few tools, minimum strength and mediocre eyesight. These rugs are also machine washable. I hang mine on a rail to dry. Barring severe arthritis, I hope to continue rag-rugging until I expire.

P.S. I wrote this while rolling strips of fabric for a bathmat. :)


Patty said...

I love the rainbow rug

Unknown said...

Mama, I love you and what this article speaks of your heart. God bless your busy fingers and prayerful heart!

Wanda..... said...

My grandmother would make rag-rugs, but they weren't as nice as your's. You have inspired me to "try" to make one myself and follow your blog. They are beautiful!

Simply Jeanarie said...

so lovely, thank you for sharing with the rest of us.. I'm looking forward to trying this after the Christmas Holidays

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Ethan and his Rainbow Rug